This movie Directed by Jon Favreau and Writed by Roberto Orci (screenplay), Alex Kurtzman (screenplay) and then staring by Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde
Cowboys & Aliens Telling about A spacecraft arrived in Arizona, 1873, to take over all the earth, starting with the Wild West. But it's certainly not going to be easy because, A posse of cowboys all they stood that way for the conquering aliens.
But the truth is the people of the Wild West could hardly understand why a small town which was attacked by a mugger from the sky. Spaceship is bolted down with a nice lights flash and kidnapped citizens Wild West.
At present, the alien they castaway is their entirely desire for salvation. As this gunslinger slowly starts to remember who he has and wherever he is constituted, he agnises he holds a secret that could give the town a combat chance against the alienate coerce. On the help of the elusive traveler Ella (Olivia Wilde), he garners a posse comitatus comprised by erstwhile opponents—townspeople, Dolarhyde and his boys, outlaws and Apache warriors—all in danger of annihilation. Conjunct against a most common foeman, they testament steel oneself against an heroic showdown for natural selection.
Release Date 29 July in all of teater movie in the world.
Watch Cowboys & Aliens Movie trailer here